Thursday May 06, 2010
Welcome to Episode 51 of the podcast. It's really great having you along for the ride. In this episode, we talk about what's going on in our yard and you get to listen in for a bit as Cindy and I work with the plants we recently planted, including peppers, tomatoes, and flowers, oh my! Also, the blackberries are back this year after a cold--yet very wet winter and Spring.
We also share a race report from Connie, aka, OHcowgirl. Check out the photos of Connie from The Country Music Marathon and Half-Marathon at the left (blogspot page only). You can also read the full report by going to the sister blog found at the link to the left. Connie, you ran a great race, especially with all of the obstacles and distractions you faced. Don't be discouraged; there will always be another race and eventually you will hit that race where everything comes together perfectly: training, weather, and rest. Thank you for the report and the photos.
We talk about some observations she made in her report that are worth mentioning here as well: 1) If you plan to walk any during a race, make sure you are to the side so that runners can pass and not stumble over you. It's shows courtesy and keeps everyone safe. 2) Get an accurate GPS device to use. Make sure you can trust it and are familiar with it. More about that in the podcast, plus check out what I use at the link below.
In spite of the weather issue, the race director did issue a nice apology. We include it in the podcast as well. Again, there's always another race, though I know how frustrating it is to peak for a specific race only to have things go awry. But, that's life.
We also talk a bit about this Run Net Community. Without Twitter, podcasts and other social media, our runs would be a bit lonelier. I encourage you to become more familiar with all of the informative and encouraging ways we runners can connect. We are truly a global community. Please feel free to email me your race reports and include a photo or two. Also, send me an audio file of your race or any other topic. I will be glad to share it in an upcoming episode.
Finally, another thanks to Bill Lynn, Matt (Run Digger Run podcast), Coach Jeff (Powerfit, The Running podcast) and Nigel (Running from the Reaper) for helping make the last episode so much fun. It illustrates perfectly how this virtual community is growing...and continues to do so.
And most of all, thank YOU for downloading and listening each week. I would personally appreciate it if you would email the link to this blog to other running friends and share the podcast with them. You are why I do this and your feedback is so critical. And as always,
Thanks for sharing some of the road with me,
The 20 Minute Runner
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Links for this show
Country Music Marathon and Half Marathon
Runcast TV (link is also to the left)
Timex GPS device (the one I use, you need a watch to go with it)
Buckeye Outdoors
Photo is courtesy of PhotoXpress.
The opening and closing music is entitled "Point of No Return" and is from the album by the same name by Roger Subirana. Check it out at Jamendo.
The transitional piece is entitled "The Long Goodbye" by Wendy Wall. Check it out at Music Alley.
The music heard in the body of the podcast is entitled "Tropical Night" by Alessandro Botturo. Check it out at Music Alley.
The background music is entitled "Second Half" by John Williams. Check it out at Magnatune.